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The halia also haliad, halie or Halias (plural Haliae, haliai, haliads or haliades), (Greek: Ειναλιαι Θαλασσαι Einaliai Thalassai literally: Nymphs of the Sea), or marine nymphs and pelagic nymphs (in Roman mythology) were the daughters of sea gods.


  1. Amphitrite, Queen of the Sea, wife of Poseidon
  2. Argayra
  3. Bethesicyme
  4. Cabeiro
  5. Calliste, the beautiful
  6. Cymopoleia
  7. Eidothea, haliad of maritime victories
  8. Galatea, haliad of the sea foam, loved by Polyphemus
  9. Halia, Haliad of the island of Rhodes.
  10. Pallas
  11. Rhode
  12. Scylla
  13. Thoosa
  14. Triteia
  15. Tritonis


Other names[]

Haliads have multiple names for examples but not limited to: undines, ondines, oceanids, okeanides (Singular okeanis), nereids, Nereides (Singular nereis), naiads, Tritonides (Singular tritonis), hydriades (Singular hydriad or hydrias), potamides, potamêides (Singular potamid or potamêis), pegaeae or pêgaiai (Singular: Pegaea or pêgaia), crenaeae, krênaiai (Singular: crenaea or krênaia), creniades, krêniades (Singular: creniad or krênïas), heleonomi, heleionomoi (Singular: heleonomus or heleionomos), limnatides, limnêtides (Singular: limnatid, limnêtis or limnatis), limnades (Singular: limnad or limnas) Nymphs of Artemis (Greek: Νυμφαι αρτεμισιαι Nymphai Artemisiai, Latin: Nymphae Artemisiae), Nysiades (Singular: nysiad or nysias) aqua nymph, aquatic nymph, sea nymph, ocean nymph, oceanic nymph, oceany nymph, water nymph, watery nymph, watersoaked nymph, watering nymph, watered nymph, waterish nymph etc.


  • Aurae
  • Mermaid
  • Nephelae Also known as Cloud nymphs
  • Mountain sea nymphs (Haliads-Oreads)
  • Scylla (Also known as Cecaelia)
  • Siren

External links[]
